Materials for You

As the Troop Cookie Chair, your main responsibility is to oversee the Cookie Program for your troop. That means holding a Family Cookie Meeting, helping girls set goals, managing the troop’s cookie inventory, managing troop finances including making deposits, and distributing girl recognitions.
The Service Unit Cookie Chair will distribute materials to you after receiving them. Follow their instructions on how to receive and distribute the materials to your girls.
Materials for You
Materials for Girls
Online Materials
Preparing Yourself and Your Troop
One of the most important lessons girls can learn through selling Girl Scout Cookies is how to set and reach their goals. It’s one of the five key skills built during the Cookie Program. Need help knowing where to start? Troops that participated in the 2024 Cookie Program earned an average amount of $1,484 in total troop proceeds!
Tips for Setting Troop Goals
Goal Setting Idea: Set Initial Order goals with your girls! Girls with 125+ Packages on their initial order will receive the Goal Getter patch. And girls with 250+ Packages on their initial order will also receive the Embrace Possibilities theme t-shirt. These rewards will be delivered to Service Units during Initial Deliveries so girls can enjoy the first taste of success heading into Direct Sales!
Tips for Setting Girl Goals
Family Cookie Meetings are critical to the success of the program and required to receive the Troop Bonus. Held before the program begins, they help provide a foundation of understanding and agreement for both the volunteers and families. Families can talk with their Troop Leaders and Troop Cookie Chair about the upcoming Cookie Program and learn about finance and inventory management, share best methods for staying in contact, and agree on roles and responsibilities.
New! Permission Slips & Financial Responsibility
GSUSA has collaborated with our bakers to update the girl permission and financial responsibility guidelines. This year, caregivers are not required to fill out a Girl Permission & Responsibility form. Instead, the permission and responsibility statement has been integrated into a new receipts design. To collect permission for the program, troop leaders must obtain a caregiver's signature on a receipt when checking out cookies or turning in money. Be sure to share this information with caregivers at the family meeting.
Preparing for the Meeting
First, invite caregivers to your upcoming Family Cookie Meeting! At least one adult from each family must participate in the meeting. Have materials ready to be distributed, including filling in girl order cards with each girl's first name and last initial, troop number, and program dates.
Sample Meeting Agenda
Welcomes and Introductions |
Review of the Cookie Program Highlights |
Girl Led Participation and Perfecting Her Pitch |
Money Matters
Cookies are sold for $6 per package. When taking pre-orders door-to-door, money will not be collected until the cookies are delivered. Caregivers are responsible for collecting the money upon delivery of cookies and turning it in to their Troop Leader or Cookie Chair. Schedule times that caregivers can submit the money and always make sure to give receipts. We recommended having caregivers turn in money at every troop meeting or at least every 1-2 weeks. Avoid accepting money during Cookie Booths to avoid confusion with finances. Tip: Make it easier on the adults by giving each caregiver troop bank account deposit slips! Be sure to write the girl's name on the slip—then caregivers can deposit cash and checks received straight into the troop bank account.
Financial Responsibility
Troops are responsible for assisting families in managing their finances. Let caregivers know that all cookies received by the troop are the troop’s responsibility. Likewise, all cookies received by the girls become the financial responsibility of the caregiver. Cookies may not be returned or exchanged with troops or cupboards. Girl Permission/Financial Responsibility is now attached to receipts. Receipts must be signed every time a financial transaction or cookie transaction is made.
It is important that caregivers understand the deadlines for turning in money. When they turn in their money on time, it helps ensure that your troop is ready for the electronic withdrawal. Remind families of these deadlines for turning in money:
February 24 | Troop Deposit Due for First Electronic Withdrawal |
March 10 | Troop Deposit Due for Second Electronic Withdrawal |
March 24 | Troop Deposit Due for Third Electronic Withdrawal |
April 14 | Troop Deposit Due for Final Electronic Withdrawal |
Communication During the Cookie Program
Share with families the best way to communicate with you during the Cookie Program. Do you prefer text, email, or something else? Help set a solid foundation by letting families know what works best for you, including when and how to best contact you for orders and questions. Also, set clear expectations for how and when you will be communicating with families.
Additional Cookies During Direct Sale
Let caregivers know they can get more cookies once girls have sold and turned in at least half of the money for previously received cookies. Caregivers will need to contact the Troop Cookie Chair to get more cookies— either from the current troop inventory or cookie cupboard. Caregivers are not allowed to pick up cookies from the cupboards unless the Troop Cookie Chair provides permission to do so upon placing their Planned Order. Troop Cookie Chairs are responsible for submitting troop's Planned Orders. Make sure you share with your girls and caregivers the best method, time, and days to request more cookies for the coming week.
As a Troop Cookie Chair, you play a large role in the success of your troop’s Cookie Program. And you even get to experience first-hand the girls’ growth in character and confidence as they learn new skills! We want to help you succeed and feel comfortable in your role. Below is a summary of resources available to you as a Troop Cookie Chair.
Resources to prepare for your role:
Join your fellow Girl Scout Volunteers in our Volunteer Facebook Group.
Smart Cookies offers you a library of videos and tutorials to help you navigate the season.
There are more available videos just for you to check out as needed on the ABC Bakers Youtube Channel.
The Cookies+ Team, Volunteer Support Team, and Customer Service Team are all willing and able to help! Reach out to them with any questions.
The Cookie Scoop is available digitally and includes easy to navigate pages with links and even more resources!
In Season Support
Do you have questions? The Cookies+ Team is available to support you! New this year, you can schedule a meeting directly with Madison Olin or Melinda Jennings to discuss your cookie questions and concerns. Just click the link below!
Your go-to person for all things Smart Cookies, inventory management, finance management, Cookie Cupboards, and planned orders. |
Your go-to person for all things Digital Cookie, girl-led participation in the Cookie Program, Cookie Booths, and rewards and bonus plans. |
The Ultimate Troop Cookie Chair Checklist is here for you in each phase of the Cookie Program.
Smart Cookies is your one-stop-shop for all things during the Cookie Program. With this online platform, hosted by ABC Bakers, you’ll be able to:
Troops will begin receiving an access email for Smart Cookies on November 20. Before the program begins, make sure to update your troop information. Found under the ‘My Troop’ tab, you can update the following:
GSMH will automatically upload girls to you Smart Cookies roster around December 2 – log into Smart Cookies and check to make sure all your girls have been added. Then, enter the number of girls selling in the ‘Troop Information’ under the ‘My Troop’ tab. If you have a girl that is not showing up in Smart Cookies, please be sure she is a registered Girl Scout, then contact us via before January 17. Once the program begins on January 3, girls will not be removed from your roster.
Leftover Inventory
New this year, the Extended Sales Period has been replaced with a grace period to sell all leftover inventory. The 2025 Cookie Program ends March 30 – at this point all cookies should be transferred to girls in Smart Cookies. However, if your troop has remaining physical, on-hand inventory the troop has until May 31 to sell to customers. After May 31, any leftover inventory must be donated or used for troop snacks. You may not discount the cookies. Please continue to follow all safety and sales guidelines during this period.
Distributing Girl Rewards
Girl recognitions arrive in May to your Service Unit Cookie Chair. They will contact you to arrange for a safe pick up of these highly anticipated items for your girls. Service Units and Troops must confirm arrival of all rewards – just as you do with Initial Orders! If there are any missing or damaged items, the Cookies+ Team must be notified via the 2025 Missing or Damaged Recognition Item form by June 15.
*Exact dates to be determined.