Outdoor Level 1 Training
This training is required for day time and backyard camping. This course teaches participants outdoor cooking methods such as no-cook, charcoal, and buddy burners! We will cover kaper charts, basic knots, letterboxing, fire building, songs and games, and more. It is a pre-requisite for Outdoor Level 2 Training. This course is available on gsLearn as a home study course to do at your own pace. Prerequisite: Indoor Overnights and Day Trip Training.
Outdoor Level 2 Training
This training prepares you to teach girls the skills for planning and experiencing a simple overnight camping trip—in a backyard or at a GSMH program center. You will learn how to incorporate the Girl Scout principles of safety, inclusiveness, progression of skills, girl leadership, and girl planning. Topics include knot-tying, cooking over a fire, dressing for the weather, packing, and programming. This course is a pre-requisite for Outdoor Level 3.
Outdoor Level 3 Training
This training is required for tent camping at a GSMH Program Center or camping at an established campsite. This training prepares you to teach girls the skills involved with planning and experiencing a multi-day trip, including Outdoor Level 2 skills review, tent use and care, campsite selection, outdoor cooking with a skillet and fuel stove, knot-tying, and the Leave No Trace principles. This is an overnight training; participants sleep in tents.
Wilderness First Aid Training
This fast-paced, hands-on training is designed to meet the needs of trip leaders, ropes course facilitators, camp staff, outdoor enthusiasts, and volunteers whose activities take them and their girls 30 minutes or more from the nearest medical center. It will introduce you to caring for people who become ill or injured far from definitive medical care. Successful completion results in a 2-year certification in Wilderness First Aid. Digital certificate available upon successful completion of course. Prerequisites: minimum age of 16 years and current American Red Cross CPR certification. Note: this is a two-day course and is only available in person.