Troops will begin receiving an access email for Smart Cookies on November 20. Before the program begins, make sure to update your troop information. Found under the 'My Troop' tab, you can update the following:
GSMH will automatically upload girls to your Smart Cookies roster around December 2— log into Smart Cookies and check to make sure all your girls have been added. Then, enter the number of girls selling in the 'Troop Information' under the 'My Troop' tab. If you have a girl that is not showing up in Smart Cookies, please be sure she is a registered Girl Scout, then contact us via info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org before January 17 so she can be uploaded into Smart Cookies. Once the program begins on January 3, girls will not be removed from your roster. This is also a good time to verify your troop’s bank account information in Smart Cookies.
Initial Orders are due from girls to the Troop Cookie Chair on January 17 and troop Initial Orders are due to Service Unit Cookie Chairs on January 19.
Follow the steps below to place your troop’s initial order under the Orders tab:
Part of your troop's Initial Order will be the cookies girls have sold with their order cards during the month of January. Troops can also order additional cookies for booth sales on the initial order—using the booth cookies line. Do not order extra booth cookies as a girl order.
Smart Cookies will automatically round each variety up to the nearest full case after initial orders and extras are entered. The troop is responsible for selling these extra packages.
Prefer a video? Follow along with this Initial Order by Girl tutorial from ABC Bakers.
After you have received your initial cookie order, your troop may need more cookies to fill additional girl orders or for Cookie Booth sales. To order cookies from a Cookie Cupboard, troops will place a Planned Order in Smart Cookies. Planned Orders can be placed daily and must be submitted by 1 p.m. each day for pickup the following day.
For example, orders placed by 1 p.m. on Monday are eligible for pick up Tuesday, as long as there are pickup times available. An order placed at 3 p.m. on Monday would be eligible for pickup beginning Wednesday, as long as there are pickup times available.
To schedule a Planned Order in Smart Cookies:
The receipt confirmation will state “Not Approved.” This only indicates that your order has not yet been picked up. Once you have picked up your order, it will become a Cupboard to Troop Transfer and show ‘“Approved” on the receipt.
Under the Orders tab, you can select 'Manage Orders' to review your order—you have until 1 p.m. the day before your scheduled pick up to make edits to your order. If edits need to be made after the deadline, please reach out directly to the Cookie Cupboard. Phone numbers can be found in Smart Cookies. Once picked up, Planned Orders will immediately appear on your Troop Balance Summary and will be calculated for the next electronic withdrawal.
Prefer a video? Follow along with this Planned Order tutorial from ABC Bakers.
Throughout the Direct Sales Period, cookies should be transferred to girls after every booth and sales activity. At the end of the Direct Sales Period, you must transfer all cookies to girls.
Under the Orders tab, to transfer cookies to girls:
Prefer a video? Follow along with this Troop to Girl Transfer tutorial from ABC Bakers.
Throughout the Direct Sales Period, cookies should be transferred to girls after every booth and sales activity. By March 30, you must transfer all cookies to girls.
When tracking your troop inventory weekly, keep these guidelines in mind:
To find any discrepancies in your troop inventory, follow these steps:
If there are discrepancies, go through each receipt from that week and verify the numbers were entered correctly in Smart Cookies. To correct errors, follow the steps below.
To correct any errors in Smart Cookies, follow these steps:
Cookie Booths should be listed in Smart Cookies so customers can find you! It also makes allocating cookies to girls easier.
To sign up for a GSMH Secured Cookie Booth or add a Troop Secured Cookie Booth in Smart Cookies, under the Booth tab:
Prefer a video? For Troop Secured Booths, follow along with this Troop Secured Booths tutorial from ABC Bakers.
If you have any questions regarding scheduling Cookie Booths or hosting a Cookie Booth, reach out to your Cookies+ Team. Here are some other tips to keep in mind:
The Smart Booth Divider is an easy and efficient way to distribute credit for booth sold packages to multiple girls quickly and evenly. Using the Smart Booth Divider not only helps you track packages sold at each booth location, it also provides GSMH important data related to the booth sales activity to help prepare for future booth sales.
Steps for using the Smart Booth Divider:
Prefer a video? Follow along with this Smart Booth Divider tutorial from ABC Bakers.
Cookies sold via Cookie Share require special handling in Smart Cookies. Here is a chart to support you in making your Troop to Girl transfers for your Cookie Share donations. You can identify the donation type for donations purchased through Digital Cookie by looking at the All Order Data report from your Troop dashboard in Digital Cookie.
Donation Type | Who Fulfills | Transfer Needed? | Transfer Method |
Shipped + Donation | GSMH Cookie Share | No | |
Booth Digital Cookie Credit Card | GSMH Cookie Share |
Yes | Smart Booth Divider |
Virtual Cookie Share | GSMH Cookie Share |
Yes | Virtual Cookie Share |
Donation | Troop Inventory | Yes | Troop to Girl Transfer |
In Person+ Donation (Girl Delivery) | Troop Inventory |
Yes | Troop to Girl Transfer |
Cash Sale | Troop Inventory |
Yes | Troop to Girl Transfer |
Smart Cookies allows you to run various reports to help you track your Cookie Program. Smart Cookies reports are located under the Reports tab. Reports are generated in real time—as soon as information is entered, you should be able to view it in a report.
Troop Balance - Smart Cookies
Girl Cookie Totals Summary - Smart Cookies
Girl Balance Summary - Smart Cookies
Transfer Order Summary - Smart Cookies
Troop On Hand Inventory - Smart Cookies
Recognition Order Summary by Girl - Smart Cookies
At the end of the Direct Sales Period, you must create a recognition order for your troop as part of wrapping up the program. For troops, this is due April 2.
Under the ‘Recognitions’ tab, create your recognition order:
Prefer a video? Follow along with this Creating Recognition Orders tutorial from ABC Bakers.
You will also need to prepare your final paperwork in Smart Cookies under the Reports tab.
Video demonstrations of Smart Cookies functionality make the cookie sale easy to navigate for busy volunteers! Check out the Smart Cookies Video Demos for Volunteers by ABC Bakers for the full library of Smart Cookies tutorials.
Although Digital Cookie is a separate platform for the girls' experience, Troop Cookie Chairs will still be primarily utilizing Smart Cookies. In Smart Cookies, you will still be transferring cookies to girls, submitting troop initial orders, securing booths, and creating recognition orders. So how does this work? Here are a few examples of how the two platforms integrate!
Contact ABC's Help Desk for Girl Scout Volunteers
Call 855-444-6682 — Available 7 Days a Week, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Email — ABCSmartCookieTechSupport@heartsidefoods.com